Rise & Thrive


May is Mental Health Awareness Month: Let's Talk About Healing the Mother Wound "mental hygiene for women leaders: spring clean your mind" "essential mental hygiene practices for women leaders" "women in leadership: prioritize your mental health with spring cleaning" May 03, 2024

Mental Health Awareness Month always rolls around in May, and it's a wonderful time to check in with ourselves and put our emotional wellness first. This year, I want us to dig into a topic that's deeply personal, complex, and yet holds so much potential for healing: the mother wound.

What is The Mother Wound?

Frist, let me say that "The mother wound" conversation isn't about blaming our mothers! It's about understanding how our earliest relationship – with our mom or whoever our primary caregiver was – affects our sense of self, how we relate to others, and how safe we feel in the world.

We all know that mothers aren't perfect, even with the best intentions. Sometimes our moms might have been emotionally unavailable, critical, or had their own struggles they unknowingly passed on to us. This can leave us with a deep wound, a feeling of unworthiness, and subconscious patterns that hold us back.

Signs You Might Carry the Mother Wound

Do any of these ring true for you?

  • Constant self-doubt: You're your own worst critic, feeling like you're never good enough.
  • Difficulty with boundaries: It's hard to say no or put your needs first.
  • Feeling responsible for others' emotions: You're everyone's caretaker but neglect yourself.
  • People-pleasing: Putting others first out of a deep fear of rejection.
  • Difficulty forming healthy relationships: You either cling to partners or run away as soon as things feel real.

Friend, It's NOT Your Fault!

If any of those hit home, it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. Our mothers, with their own wounds and limited resources, likely did the best they could. The goal of exploring the mother wound is healing, not to harbor resentment.

Healing the Mother Wound: It's Possible

Healing the mother wound is powerful work and may look different for everyone. Here's where you can start:

  • Acknowledgement: Be brave enough to name the pain and recognize how your early experiences affected you.
  • Therapy: Find a therapist specializing in attachment trauma or mother wound work. They provide a safe space to process emotions.
  • Self-Compassion: Offer yourself the unconditional love you may have missed out on.
  • Inner Child Work: Connect with your wounded inner child, soothing and reassuring that part of yourself.
  • Reparenting: Consciously give yourself the support, validation, and boundaries you needed as a child.

There is HOPE

Healing the mother wound is a journey, not a quick fix, it is an incredible sacred journey! It takes courage and vulnerability. But imagine breaking free from limiting beliefs, developing healthy relationships, and cultivating self-love. Isn't that something worth fighting for?

Let's use Mental Health Awareness Month as a catalyst for looking deeper into our patterns and setting ourselves free to live with more authenticity and inner peace.

Let me know in the comments if the mother wound is a topic that resonates with you!

When Spring Cleaning Isn't Enough: How EMDR and CPT Help Leaders Heal "mental hygiene for women leaders: spring clean your mind" "essential mental hygiene practices for women leaders" "women in leadership: prioritize your mental health with spring cleaning" Apr 26, 2024

We all know the urge for a fresh start when the seasons change. We declutter our homes and maybe update our routines. But for many leaders, even the most enthusiastic spring cleaning can't quite shake a lingering sense of being held back—by perfectionism, nagging self-doubt, or anxiety in situations that shouldn't feel so daunting.

What if these hurdles stem from something deeper than a messy desk? Unresolved past experiences can have a surprisingly powerful grip on how we act and feel in the present. That's where therapies like EMDR and CPT come in.

EMDR & CPT: Tools for Deeper Healing

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): This therapy guides the brain in processing distressing memories or experiences. The goal is to lessen their emotional intensity, allowing for more peace and clarity in your current life.
  • CPT (Cognitive Processing Therapy): CPT centers on examining unhelpful beliefs that often develop following difficult events. It helps you re-evaluate these ideas and create healthier, more empowering thought patterns.

How Leaders Benefit

  • Taming Perfectionism: The pressure to be flawless can feel relentless. EMDR and CPT can uncover the experiences that fuel this constant striving and help leaders adopt healthier standards driven by self-compassion, not fear.
  • Quieting the Inner Critic: Past failures or negative feedback can create a harsh inner voice that erodes confidence. These therapies help you reframe those experiences and create a kinder, more supportive internal dialogue.
  • Navigating Leadership Anxiety: Fear of public speaking, difficult conversations, or big decisions can plague even seasoned leaders. Therapy helps to identify any past experiences contributing to the anxiety and builds skills to manage those situations with greater calm.

Leadership Transformations in Action

  • The CEO & Imposter Syndrome: A successful CEO constantly felt like a fraud, regardless of their accomplishments. Therapy revealed how childhood experiences planted the seeds of this belief. Through processing, they embraced their strengths and silenced the inner critic.
  • The Burned-Out Executive: Tasks piled up, and a driven executive couldn't seem to delegate. Therapy linked this control issue to childhood experiences where independence was discouraged. They learned healthier ways to collaborate and trust others, easing the burden.

The Next Step for You?

If any of this resonates with your own leadership experience, know that seeking therapy is a sign of strength. At Arise Psychotherapy & Coaching, we offer a free consultation to explore whether EMDR, CPT, or other approaches could be the right fit to help you reach your full potential as a leader.

Don't let unresolved baggage hinder your effectiveness and well-being. Consider this your invitation to lasting positive change that goes far beyond any seasonal spring cleaning.

Warm Regards,

Tamera J.

Cleaning Out the Spiritual Closet: Finding Your Inner Compass #selfcare #holistictherapy #wellbeing #emdr #eft #mcbt #gottmanapproach #prepareenrich Apr 19, 2024

Cleaning Out the Spiritual Closet: Finding Your Inner Compass

Spirituality, for many of us, isn't just about organized religion. It's a sense of connection to something bigger than the everyday, a search for meaning, and a foundation for our values. When we live in alignment with that inner compass, there's flow and purpose. But when life gets chaotic, it's easy for our spiritual closet to get cluttered, leading to inner conflict – especially for leaders.

The Problem: Misaligned Values

As leaders, we face immense pressure to make tough decisions, always with consequences. When our actions clash with our deepest values, even subtlety, it creates internal turmoil. This can manifest as fatigue, cynicism, imposter syndrome, or difficulty finding joy in what we do.

How to Reconnect

The good news is we can re-center whenever needed. Here are a few ways to clean out your spiritual closet:

  • Journaling Prompts:
    • "What values do I most admire in others, and why?"
    • "When do I feel most in alignment with my purpose?"
    • "If I could change one thing in the world, what would it be?"
  • Nature Immersion: Time among trees, water, or simply open sky can quiet the mind and reawaken your sense of awe and interconnectedness.
  • Spiritual or Philosophical Exploration: Delve into texts from traditions that resonate with you, or explore philosophers whose ideas spark your thinking. Don't feel pressured to subscribe to any one belief system - glean what nourishes your soul.

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT): A Powerful Tool

If you find deeper blockages hindering your growth, CPT might be incredibly transformative. CPT, often used for PTSD, can help you uncover and reprocess ingrained beliefs about yourself or the world that may be causing distress. This can create greater alignment and a stronger sense of self.

The Gratitude List

If this all sounds overwhelming, start small. Spend 5 minutes each day writing down 3 things you're grateful for. It sounds simple, but noticing the good – from your morning coffee to a kind act – shifts your perspective. This plants seeds for rediscovering the deeper sources of meaning in your life.


Tamera J.

Emotional Spring Cleaning: How Women Leaders Can Recharge "mental hygiene for women leaders: spring clean your mind" "essential mental hygiene practices for women leaders" "women in leadership: prioritize your mental health with spring cleaning" Apr 12, 2024

As a leader, you're used to giving your all. You tackle complex problems, field high-stakes decisions, and support your teams with energy and compassion. But what happens when all that giving starts to feel like too much?

That's where the concept of emotional spring cleaning comes in. Just like a thorough tidying of your home, it's about intentionally clearing out the mental and emotional clutter that can weigh you down.

Burnout: It's More Than Just Being Tired

Burnout is a serious state of emotional depletion. It's a nagging sense that your well of energy has run dry. You might feel cynical, detached, or like your usual spark is missing. It's tempting to dismiss this as temporary stress, but burnout can hurt your health, happiness, and ability to lead effectively.

Bad Day or Something Bigger?

We all have off days, but how can you tell if it's more serious? Here are a few warning signs of emotional fatigue:

  • Dread: The thought of work fills you with unease, even if you normally enjoy it.
  • Short Fuse: Little things irritate you more easily than usual.
  • Foggy Thinking: Concentration and decision-making feel harder.
  • Empathy Drain: You find it increasingly difficult to connect with your team's needs.

Strategies for Emotional Replenishment

If any of those signs sound familiar, it's time for a recharge. Here's how:

  • Befriend Yourself: We often extend more compassion to others than we do ourselves. Practice talking to yourself as you would a good friend. Acknowledge your hard work, and forgive yourself for the inevitable mistakes.
  • Feel Your Feelings: Bottling up difficult emotions doesn't make them go away. Find healthy ways to process sadness, anger, or frustration. Journaling, talking to a trusted friend, or exercise can all be helpful.
  • Rediscover Joy: What activities make you feel genuinely happy, not just momentarily distracted? Carve out time for them, even if it seems indulgent.

A Note on Deeper Healing

For some, emotional fatigue may be linked to unresolved past experiences. Therapies like EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) can be incredibly effective for working through these wounds, offering lasting relief.

The 15-Minute Recharge Challenge

Ready to make emotional health a priority? Here's your mission: Schedule 15 minutes EVERY DAY for something purely for YOU. A walk in nature, listening to your favorite album, painting, cuddling your pet – whatever fills your cup. Start small, but be consistent. You'll be amazed at the difference it makes.

Leaders, you deserve to thrive, not just survive. It starts with caring for your emotional well-being.



Tamera J.

Spring Cleaning for Your Mind: Essential Mental Hygiene for Women in Leadership Roles "mental hygiene for women leaders: spring clean your mind" "essential mental hygiene practices for women leaders" "women in leadership: prioritize your mental health with spring cleaning" Apr 05, 2024

Spring is that glorious time of renewal. We clear out our closets, scrub forgotten corners, and fling open windows to let in the fresh air. But all too often, we neglect the most important space of all: our minds. Mental hygiene, like its physical counterpart, is about maintenance and creating a healthy internal environment. It's especially crucial for women leaders, who often find their minds racing with responsibilities and difficult decisions.

What is Mental Hygiene?

Think of mental hygiene as a toolkit for cultivating a healthy mind:

  • Mindfulness: The practice of being present in the moment, without judgment.
  • Setting boundaries: Learning to say "no" to protect your time and energy.
  • Healthy coping mechanisms: Finding positive ways to deal with stress (exercise, hobbies, talking with a friend).

Women Leaders: Unique Challenges

Women leaders often face particular hurdles affecting their mental wellbeing:

  • Perfectionism: The pressure to be flawless leads to exhaustion and self-criticism.
  • Imposter Syndrome: The nagging feeling of not being good enough, despite successes.
  • Work-life imbalances: Juggling career, family, and personal needs can create overwhelming stress.

Consequences of Neglecting Mental Health

When we shortchange our mental hygiene, problems arise:

  • Burnout: Emotional and physical exhaustion, detachment from work.
  • Anxiety: Persistent worry, nervousness, trouble focusing.
  • Decision-making difficulties: Stress impairs our ability to think clearly and strategically.

Therapy Can Help

For those times when stress feels overwhelming or past experiences create lingering challenges, specialized therapies can be incredibly beneficial:

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): Helps process distressing memories and reduce their emotional impact.
  • CPT (Cognitive Processing Therapy): A type of cognitive-behavioral therapy focusing on changing negative thought patterns linked to trauma or stress.

Take Care of YOU!

This spring, prioritize your mental well-being! Here's how to jumpstart your mental spring cleaning:

  • Simple Mindfulness: Take a 5-minute meditation break. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath.
  • Stress-Busting Journal: Before bed, jot down your three most significant stressors. Seeing them on paper can reduce their hold on your thoughts.
  • Seek Guidance: If you struggle with persistent anxiety, past trauma, or overwhelming stress, consider reaching out to a therapist who specializes in women's issues and EMDR or CPT techniques.

Mental hygiene is a continuous practice, not a one-time fix. By tending to your inner world with the same care you give your home, you'll cultivate greater resilience, clarity, and the energy to lead with your best self.



Tamera J.

Conquer Stress and Thrive: How EMDR Can Transform Your Life as a Professional Woman burnout coping mechanisms depression emdrtherap professinalwomenheal Mar 29, 2024

As a professional woman, you face relentless demands. Ambition, success, family life, and juggling multiple roles can put immense pressure on your well-being. Stress is inevitable, but unchecked, it becomes destructive, impacting your physical health, mental clarity, and overall success. As experts at Arise Psychotherapy & Coaching Services, PLLC, we understand your struggle. This blog explores the impact of stress on ambitious women and how EMDR therapy offers a unique path to healing and resilience.

The Toll of Unmanaged Stress

Stress isn't just a feeling; it's a physiological response with long-term consequences. Constant pressure can lead to:

  • Headaches and muscle tension
  • Increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Weakened immune system
  • Anxiety, depression, and irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions

Why Professional Women Need Specialized Support

Professional women often internalize the idea that they must "do it all" without faltering. This pressure leads to unhealthy coping mechanisms, ignoring the signs of stress, and avoiding asking for help. Unchecked, this can lead to burnout – a state of physical and emotional exhaustion that compromises your professional and personal life.

EMDR: A Breakthrough Approach

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a revolutionary, evidence-based treatment that helps break the cycle of stress. Unlike traditional talk therapy, EMDR delves into the root cause of stress, targeting unresolved past experiences that continue to trigger negative emotions and behaviors in your present. Here's how it helps:

  • Reprocessing Trauma and Underlying Stressors: EMDR helps process unresolved memories or experiences that contribute to stress overload.
  • Changing Negative Beliefs: EMDR shifts negative self-beliefs formed in past experiences that make stress feel insurmountable.
  • Developing Adaptive Coping Skills: EMDR equips you with effective strategies to manage stress in your daily life.

Benefits of EMDR for Professional Women

  • Improved Focus and Performance: EMDR releases the weight of past stress, enhancing focus and decision-making at work.
  • Increased Resilience: Develop the inner strength to navigate challenges with grace and confidence.
  • Enhanced Emotional Regulation: Manage anxiety and overwhelming emotions, promoting better work-life balance.
  • Sustainable Well-being: Achieve lasting peace from the underlying causes of stress, fostering greater fulfillment personally and professionally.

Arise Psychotherapy & Coaching Services: Your EMDR Experts

At Arise Psychotherapy & Coaching Services, PLLC, we are passionate about empowering professional women. Our skilled EMDR therapists provide compassionate, personalized support to help you break free from stress and achieve your full potential.

Are you ready to take control of your stress and create a more balanced and fulfilling life? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and experience the transformative power of EMDR.

Need Support?

Don't let stress steal your success and well-being. If this message resonates, reach out to Arise Psychotherapy & Coaching Services, PLLC, to start your healing journey.

Warm Regards,

Tamera J.

Trauma, Resilience, and Women's History Month: Honoring EMDR Pioneers diversity mental health trauma therapy emdr edi (equity women's history month Mar 06, 2024

Trauma, Resilience, and Women's History Month: Honoring EMDR Pioneers

This Women's History Month, let's shine a spotlight on the remarkable women who have transformed the mental health field, particularly within trauma-informed care. At Arise Psychotherapy & Coaching Services, we're celebrating with this year's theme, "Providing Healing, Promoting Hope," by highlighting groundbreaking female figures in EMDR.

What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful therapeutic approach that helps individuals process traumatic experiences. It uses guided eye movements or other bilateral stimulation to help the brain reprocess and integrate memories, reducing the intensity of emotional distress and promoting healing.

Women at the Forefront of the EMDR Revolution

  • Dr. Francine Shapiro: The founder of EMDR, Dr. Shapiro revolutionized trauma therapy with her groundbreaking discovery and research. Her work has helped countless individuals heal from deeply distressing experiences.
  • Dr. Ana Gomez: A renowned advocate for culturally responsive mental health care, Dr. Gomez focuses on promoting EMDR within underserved communities and addresses the impact of cultural trauma.
  • Researchers across the globe: Countless female researchers continue to expand EMDR's applications, helping with conditions like PTSD, anxiety, and chronic pain.

The Importance of EDI in Mental Health

The work of these women reminds us of the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in mental health care. When we have therapists from diverse backgrounds, and therapies that are culturally responsive, we can address mental health disparities in marginalized communities and ensure everyone has access to transformative care.

Tips for Managing Stress This Women's History Month

Inspired by these pioneers, let's honor ourselves by practicing self-care:

  • Build a support system: Cultivate meaningful connections, especially with other supportive women!
  • Explore mindfulness & grounding: Try breathing exercises, meditation, or spending time in nature to center yourself.
  • Make movement enjoyable: Find activities you love, whether it's dancing, yoga, or brisk walks.
  • Don't neglect sleep: Prioritizing rest is key for mental well-being.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help: Therapists specialized in EMDR or other trauma-focused approaches are here to support your journey towards healing.

Arise Celebrates You

We recognize the unique experiences of women and the strength it takes to navigate life's challenges. If stress or past experiences are overwhelming you, know we're here for you. Arise provides specialized EMDR therapy alongside other tailored treatment options.

This Women's History Month, let the legacies of female innovators empower you on your path towards healing and resilience!


Tamera J. Brown, MA, LPC, EMDR Trained Therapist

The Power of Healing: EMDR Therapy and Yoga for Women's Mental Health and Wellness emdr therapy for women healing trauma with emdr benefits of yoga for women mental health therapies for women emdr and yoga for ptsd women's empowerment month holistic healing for women women's wellness and empowerment yoga for mental health Feb 27, 2024


In celebration of March Women's Empowerment Month, it's crucial to shine a light on innovative and transformative approaches that foster mental health and wellness among women. Among these, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy and yoga stand out for their profound impact on mental well-being. This blog explores how these modalities can be instrumental in healing, empowering, and revitalizing the spirit of women everywhere.

Understanding EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy is a relatively new, non-traditional form of psychotherapy that has been gaining recognition for its effectiveness in treating trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At its core, EMDR aims to help individuals process and integrate traumatic memories in a way that diminishes their psychological impact.

Benefits of EMDR Therapy for Women

  • Trauma Recovery: Many women have experienced trauma in various forms, such as sexual assault, domestic violence, or emotional abuse. EMDR therapy helps in the healing process by allowing them to process these traumas safely, reducing symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and depression.
  • Empowerment Through Healing: By confronting and processing traumatic memories, women can reclaim control over their emotional responses and lives, fostering a sense of empowerment and resilience.
  • Improved Self-Esteem: EMDR can also address issues of low self-esteem and self-worth, common in survivors of trauma, by helping to reframe negative beliefs about oneself into positive affirmations.

The Role of Yoga in Mental Wellness

Yoga, an ancient practice with roots in Indian philosophy, goes beyond physical poses (asanas) to include breath control (pranayama), meditation (dhyana), and ethical principles. Yoga offers holistic benefits that encompass physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Yoga's Impact on Women's Mental Health

  • Stress Reduction: Yoga's meditative practices help in reducing stress levels, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. This is especially beneficial for women juggling multiple roles and responsibilities in today's fast-paced world.
  • Emotional Balance: Regular yoga practice has been linked to improved mood and emotional regulation, helping women navigate the complexities of emotional and hormonal fluctuations.
  • Increased Body Awareness and Acceptance: Yoga encourages mindfulness and a deeper connection with one's body, leading to greater acceptance and appreciation of one's physical self, enhancing body image and confidence.

Integrating EMDR Therapy and Yoga for Holistic Healing

The combination of EMDR therapy and yoga can offer a comprehensive approach to mental health and wellness for women. While EMDR addresses the deep-seated traumas that may hinder personal growth and happiness, yoga provides the tools for daily stress management, emotional balance, and physical health. Together, they pave the way for a journey of healing that is both empowering and transformative.

Steps Toward Empowerment and Wellness

  1. Seek Professional Guidance: If you're interested in exploring EMDR therapy, look for a qualified therapist who specializes in this method. It's essential to work with a professional who understands your unique needs and experiences.
  2. Incorporate Yoga into Your Routine: Start with gentle yoga classes that focus on mindfulness and relaxation. Many community centers, gyms, and yoga studios offer classes specifically designed for beginners or those dealing with stress and trauma.
  3. Embrace a Holistic Approach: Consider other aspects of wellness, including nutrition, sleep, and social connections, as part of your holistic approach to mental health. Integrating these elements can amplify the benefits of EMDR and yoga.

In Conclusion

As we celebrate Women's Empowerment Month, let's acknowledge and embrace the powerful healing modalities of EMDR therapy and yoga. By doing so, we support not only the mental health and wellness of women but also their empowerment and resilience. The journey of healing is both personal and universal, and through these practices, women can find a path to wellness that is nurturing, empowering, and deeply transformative.

Love & The Invisible Scars: Healing Attachment Wounds for a More Fulfilling Life & Relationships attachment wounds emdr therapy february mental health awareness healing trauma healthy relationships love and relationships self-love women's mental health Feb 04, 2024

February's pink-hued lens often paints love as a fairytale: happily ever afters, perfect partners, and hearts overflowing with joy. But for many women, this romanticized picture clashes with the reality of invisible scars – attachment wounds – that can silently impact their relationships and sense of self.

These wounds, formed in early childhood through unmet emotional needs or difficult experiences with caregivers, shape how we connect with others, especially romantically. They might manifest as fear of abandonment, anxiety in relationships, difficulty trusting partners, or a constant need for validation.

Ignoring these wounds, like hiding emotional baggage in a dusty attic, can create a cycle of unhealthy attachments and perpetuate patterns of pain. This February, let's prioritize our mental health by acknowledging these wounds and exploring the path to healing.

Recognizing Your Attachment Style:

The first step is understanding your attachment style. Are you anxious, constantly seeking reassurance? Avoidant, pushing partners away before getting close? Or disorganized, experiencing a confusing mix of both? Recognizing your style empowers you to identify triggers and make conscious choices in your relationships.

Healing Through EMDR:

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy can be a powerful tool for healing attachment wounds. By gently processing past experiences and associated emotions, EMDR helps reframe negative beliefs and create a more secure internal foundation. Imagine shedding layers of emotional baggage, leaving space for healthier connections.

Love Yourself First:

Remember, true love begins with self-love. Before seeking external validation, prioritize building a loving relationship with yourself. Practice self-compassion, acknowledge your needs, and set healthy boundaries. This newfound inner strength translates into healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

This February, choose love beyond the Hallmark cards. Choose to prioritize your mental health, explore your attachment wounds, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Remember, healing is not about erasing the past, but about rewriting its narrative and creating a future where love flourishes from a foundation of self-worth and emotional security.

Empowering Resources:

  • The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
  • The National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE

You are worthy of love, connection, and a fulfilling life. This February, choose to prioritize your mental health and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery. Remember, you are not alone!

P.S. Join my talk show "The Mindful Woman's Sanctuary" on Facebook Live (February 6th at 1130am, February 8th at 8pm and February 19th at 10amCST on Facebook Live) for deeper dives into EMDR techniques, self-compassion, and more! Let's create a year of mental wellness, growth, and thriving!


Tamera J. Brown, LPC

EMDR Trained Therapist

Embracing the Empowered You: Visioning Mental Wellness in 2024 Jan 20, 2024

Hey friends! Let's ditch the rigid resolutions and dive into a powerful journey of self-discovery in 2024. This year, I want to champion the priority of mental well-being for women. It's not a luxury, it's a necessity for a fulfilling life. Ready to unlock your radiant potential?


Visioning, not Vow-ing: Instead of restrictive resolutions, let's paint a vivid picture of your ideal self in December 2024.  What makes you sparkle? How do you feel empowered? Capture this vision in detail - it's your North Star guiding your choices throughout the year.


Unburdening Your Journey: But wait, are past hurts or limiting beliefs weighing you down? Let's gently unpack them using EMDR therapy. We'll tap into negative thoughts and emotions, processing and releasing them for a lighter, brighter future. Think of it as emotional spring cleaning!


Building Your Bridge to Wellness: With a lighter backpack, let's build a bridge to your vision.  What small, achievable steps can you take each day? Setting boundaries, saying no to negativity, or carving out self-care time are all victories!


Mindfulness: Your Secret Weapon: Remember, progress over perfection! Mindfulness is your superpower, helping you navigate challenges and stay present. Meditation, journaling, even deep breaths - these tools keep you connected to your inner compass.


Stronger Together: You're not alone! Build a supportive community of women who share your vision for mental well-being. Share stories, cheer each other on, and remember: empowered women empower women!


Embrace Your 2024 Journey: Let's prioritize our mental well-being this year. Vision, unpack, build, and connect. You are the architect of your own happiness! Take the first step, join me on the EMDR journey to healing, and watch your empowered self blossom. 


Share Your Story: This is just the beginning! Share your vision, struggles, and triumphs in the comments below. Let's inspire each other and build a community that prioritizes mental wellness.


Remember, you are worthy of a life filled with joy, peace, and radiant potential. Let's walk this path together, one empowering step at a time.




Tamera J. Brown, LPC | EMDR Trained Therapist


P.S. Join my talk show "The Mindful Woman's Sanctuary" on Facebook Live (January 23rd) for deeper dives into EMDR techniques, self-compassion, and more! Let's create a year of mental wellness, growth, and thriving!

Prioritizing Mental Wellness: A Journey to Heal, Grow, and Thrive for Women emdr therapy for women healing from past trauma mental health for women trauma healing for women women's mental health Jan 02, 2024

As women, we juggle a million responsibilities – work, family, relationships, personal growth – and often, our mental health gets pushed to the back burner. But what if taking care of our minds became the key to unlocking our full potential and living a life filled with joy, fulfillment, and resilience?

That's where EMDR therapy comes in. This powerful, evidence-based approach offers a unique path to healing and growth for women seeking to prioritize their mental well-being. Whether you're struggling with past trauma, anxiety, depression, or simply want to unlock your best self, EMDR can be a transformative tool.

Why EMDR is a Game-Changer for Women:

  • Targeted Healing: Unlike traditional talk therapy, EMDR doesn't require you to relive your past in detail. It uses a gentle, guided process to identify and reprocess negative experiences, allowing you to release their emotional charge and move forward.
  • Faster Results: EMDR often works faster than traditional therapy, allowing you to see significant improvements in a shorter timeframe. This is especially beneficial for busy women who may not have the time for long-term therapy sessions.
  • Empowerment and Growth: EMDR isn't just about fixing problems; it's about empowering you to become the best version of yourself. It helps you develop coping mechanisms, build resilience, and unlock your inner strength.

EMDR Intensives: A Powerful Boost for Your Journey:

For women who are serious about prioritizing their mental health and making rapid progress, EMDR intensives offer a unique opportunity. These intensive sessions, typically spread over several days, allow you to focus solely on your healing journey in a supportive environment.

What to Expect in an EMDR Intensive:

  • Individualized attention: You'll work with a trained EMDR therapist who will tailor the program to your specific needs and goals.
  • Safe and supportive space: Intensives provide a nurturing environment where you can feel comfortable exploring your emotions and experiences.
  • Accelerated healing: With dedicated time and focused sessions, you can expect to see significant progress in a shorter timeframe.

Ready to Invest in Your Mental Wellness?

Making your mental health a priority is an act of self-love and a commitment to living a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. If you're ready to embark on your healing journey and unlock your full potential, consider exploring EMDR therapy, especially the intensive format.

Remember, you are not alone. There are countless women out there who have found healing and transformation through EMDR. Take the first step towards a brighter future – invest in your mental well-being today.

Additional Resources:

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice. Please consult with a qualified healthcare provider if you have any concerns about your mental health.

I hope this blog post provides helpful information and inspiration for women who are seeking to prioritize their mental well-being. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish; it's essential for living a happy and fulfilling life.


Tamera J. Brown, LPC|EMDR Trained Therapist

EMDR Intensive Therapy: A Powerful Tool for Managing Anger anger management coping mechanisms emdr emotional regulation intensive therapy trauma Dec 10, 2023

Anger is a natural human emotion. It can be a powerful motivator for change and can help us protect ourselves from harm. However, when anger becomes chronic, intense, or overwhelming, it can negatively impact our personal and professional lives.

 There are many different approaches to managing anger, and one that has shown significant promise is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR is a psychotherapy approach originally developed to treat trauma, but it has also been found to be effective for addressing a wide range of other issues, including anger.

 How Does EMDR Work for Anger?

 EMDR works by helping the brain reprocess and integrate past experiences that may be contributing to present-day anger. During an EMDR session, the therapist will guide the client through a series of eye movements, taps, or tones while the client focuses on their anger and related memories. This process can help to desensitize the client to their anger triggers and allow them to process and integrate the memories in a more adaptive way.

 Benefits of EMDR Intensive Therapy for Anger

 EMDR intensive therapy offers several potential benefits for individuals struggling with anger, including:

  •   Reduced intensity and frequency of anger episodes 
  • Improved emotional regulation skills
  • Increased self-awareness and understanding of anger triggers
  • Enhanced coping mechanisms for dealing with anger
  • Improved relationships with family and friends
  • Greater sense of well-being and overall quality of life

What to Expect During an EMDR Intensive Therapy Program

 An EMDR intensive therapy program typically consists of several sessions over a concentrated period of time, such as a week or two. During each session, the client will focus on a specific anger-related memory or issue while engaging in bilateral stimulation (e.g., eye movements, taps, or tones). The therapist will guide the client through the process and help them to identify and process their emotions and beliefs associated with the memory.

 EMDR intensive therapy is not a magic bullet, but it can be a powerful tool for individuals who are looking for a more effective way to manage their anger. If you are struggling with anger, I encourage you to learn more about EMDR and consider whether it may be right for you.

 Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:




 Remember, you are not alone in your struggle with anger. There are many resources available to help you manage this emotion and live a happier, healthier life.

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