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Cleaning Out the Spiritual Closet: Finding Your Inner Compass

#selfcare #holistictherapy #wellbeing #emdr #eft #mcbt #gottmanapproach #prepareenrich Apr 19, 2024

Cleaning Out the Spiritual Closet: Finding Your Inner Compass

Spirituality, for many of us, isn't just about organized religion. It's a sense of connection to something bigger than the everyday, a search for meaning, and a foundation for our values. When we live in alignment with that inner compass, there's flow and purpose. But when life gets chaotic, it's easy for our spiritual closet to get cluttered, leading to inner conflict – especially for leaders.

The Problem: Misaligned Values

As leaders, we face immense pressure to make tough decisions, always with consequences. When our actions clash with our deepest values, even subtlety, it creates internal turmoil. This can manifest as fatigue, cynicism, imposter syndrome, or difficulty finding joy in what we do.

How to Reconnect

The good news is we can re-center whenever needed. Here are a few ways to clean out your spiritual closet:

  • Journaling Prompts:
    • "What values do I most admire in others, and why?"
    • "When do I feel most in alignment with my purpose?"
    • "If I could change one thing in the world, what would it be?"
  • Nature Immersion: Time among trees, water, or simply open sky can quiet the mind and reawaken your sense of awe and interconnectedness.
  • Spiritual or Philosophical Exploration: Delve into texts from traditions that resonate with you, or explore philosophers whose ideas spark your thinking. Don't feel pressured to subscribe to any one belief system - glean what nourishes your soul.

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT): A Powerful Tool

If you find deeper blockages hindering your growth, CPT might be incredibly transformative. CPT, often used for PTSD, can help you uncover and reprocess ingrained beliefs about yourself or the world that may be causing distress. This can create greater alignment and a stronger sense of self.

The Gratitude List

If this all sounds overwhelming, start small. Spend 5 minutes each day writing down 3 things you're grateful for. It sounds simple, but noticing the good – from your morning coffee to a kind act – shifts your perspective. This plants seeds for rediscovering the deeper sources of meaning in your life.


Tamera J.

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